Extended deadline! Help us to gather the opinions of young people from Inland region on the future of water, with all expenses taken care of!
In the FLOW project, we want to understand what your and your peers’ hopes and fears are when thinking about oceans, rivers or lakes. Sure, no easy answers here. Joy and anxiety can go well together…
You may be concerned about plastic waste in the ocean, but still have fun surfing. Or you may not think much about rivers, but you may still be concerned about floods. Maybe you cannot stand the smell of fish, but you are still impressed by the sea people in Avatar. Either way, we want to talk to you and facilitate a dialogue amongst the European youth about their relations to oceans and waters!
Take part in the experiential futures workshops, meet young individuals across Europe and guide us through future projections on water.
We do not only want to listen to young people, we want to engage with them! You can help us build experiences that are meaningful, fun and interesting.
Your participation in the FLOW workshops will help researchers and stakeholders to understand better how young people see their relationship with the oceans and water, and to shape future policies so that we all contribute to preserving these vital resources.
Participating in FLOW workshop in Warsaw, Poland will offer you an interesting network, travel opportunities, exciting workshops and insights into science and policymaking around “watery” themes.
You, while representing your country, will be taking part in a futures workshop in Warsaw. Furthermore, you will get to know our research team and other young Europeans interested in co-creating the future of engagement for the wellbeing of oceans, rivers and lakes.
With the focus on seven biogeographic regions, each workshop will host 20 young people aged between 18-30 from the same regions. We will ensure a diverse representation when it comes to gender, age, socio-cultural background and education. Participants are expected to stay in shared rooms with other participants, and all costs related to travels will be covered.
The selection of participants for each workshop will be carried out by Volonteurope on the basis of an open call by using social media channels (Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, etc.)
Selection Criteria for taking part in the workshop
- You must be between 18 and 30 years old
- Have at least intermediate English language (speaking, reading, writing)
- Having no visa requirement to travel to Warsaw, Poland
- Following FLOW project’s social media accounts
Launch of the selection call: 17 October 2023
Extended deadline for submitting online applications: 27 October 2023
Announcement of results: 27 October 2023
Final confirmation from participants: 27 – 31 October 2023
Workshop in Warsaw: 4-5 December 2023