Briefly, what is FLOW?
Future Lives with Oceans and Waters (FLOW) is a two-year collaborative project coordinated by Radboud University, the Netherlands. The project is funded by the European Union (EU) under the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme. FLOW aims to increase the understanding of the connection that the young generation has with water (oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, etc.). Moreover, by combining transdisciplinary methods – horizon scanning, ethnographic fieldwork, and experiential futures workshop – in an innovative way, FLOW engages youth in intergenerational just and transdisciplinary research. Bringing together young people from across Europe will give the opportunity to explore how young people imagine their future in connection to waters.
In the FLOW project, we want to understand what your and your peers’ hopes and fears are when thinking about oceans, rivers or lakes. Sure, no easy answers here. Joy and anxiety can go well together… We do not only want to listen to young people, we want to engage with them!
You can help us build experiences that are meaningful, fun and interesting. Your participation in the FLOW project will help researchers and stakeholders to understand better how young people see their relationship with the oceans and water, and to shape future policies so that we all contribute to preserving these vital resources.
By joining the FLOW Youth Advisory Board, you will represent one of the seven regions of the European Union (Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Bay of Biscay, Iberian Coast, Macaronesia, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Arctic and Inland), get to know our research team and other young Europeans interested in co-creating the future of engagement for the wellbeing of oceans, rivers and lakes. Besides inspiring and critiquing us, you will help to prepare and attend a workshop (end of 2023/beginning 2024) and one big co-creation event (end of 2024). We will cover the travel and accommodation expenses, related to your participation in the project.
FLOW Youth Advisory Board
Youth Advisory Board is an essential “reality-check” platform that the FLOW consortium will establish alongside the project partners, with its members offering their opinions, thinking, age-related reflections and lived experiences as young European citizen, for the purpose of maximising the impact of the project’s activities and outcomes.
With the focus on seven bio-geographic regions (Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Bay of Biscay- Iberian Coast-Macaronesia, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Arctic and Inland), we will bring together 14 young people (two per region) to act as the Youth Advisory Board, ensuring a diverse representation when it comes to gender, age, socio-cultural background and education.
The recruitment will be carried out by Volonteurope on the basis of an open call via the network’s membership and partners in the seven regions, using social media channels (Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, etc.) as a way to engage most actively with the target group. Volonteurope will build on previous experiences in running a Europe-wide “Youth Ambassadors” active citizenship campaign, where the network advocated for an asset-based approach to engaging young people in addressing the local needs of their communities.
Selection Criteria
- You must be between 18 and 30 years old
- Have at least intermediate English language (speaking, reading, writing)
- Be a citizen of the European Union
Extended timeline
Launch of the Selection Call: June 5th, 2023
Deadline for submitting online applications: July 7th, 2023
Pre-selection based on the received applications: July 8th-9th, 2023
Shortlisting and online interviews: July 10th – 14th, 2023
Final selection and announcement of results: July 15th -17th, 2023
Selection Call document can be found here